
WVIS kicked off its 25th Anniversary Celebration as friends from across the United States and Europe logged on to Zoom for a time of memories, prayers, and shared gratitude.

One participant wrote of the “many happy memories of days and nights spent at the Cenacle” while another spoke of gratitude for the “many ways WVIS has opened my heart to a God I no longer have to understand.” Sister Molly related that her “heart leapt for joy” when she saw the smiling faces on Zoom and the “full circle” provided in the celebration of WVIS associates past and present brought together that evening.

You are invited to join in the celebration this year. You can click HERE for a link to the December 28th recording (the passcode is F&5rsg3j)

Also, if you have a memory, story, or expression of gratitude for how WVIS has affected your life, please email it to PJ Scarr at pjloehrscarr@gmail.com.

Enjoy your trip down memory lane!