Jill Gordon, B.A., M.F.A.

Jill Gordon, B.A., M.F.A.

Associate Spiritual Director Intern

Jill grew up a ‘preacher’s kid’ and comes from a long history of believers—whose systems she eventually learned to question. This questioning has turned out to be a personal grace, allowing a deeper, less prescriptive connection to the God of her understanding.

Jill is married and with her husband, claims five children and thirteen grandchildren between them. She has been a writing teacher on the university level and continues to offer “Writing Your Life” and “Writing Toward the Spirit” classes to church and community groups. She writes both fiction and non-fiction. Jill and her husband enjoy music, biking, hiking, as well as the mountains and the sea.

Jill offers both individual and group spiritual direction and Ignatian silent directed retreats in person and on zoom.  She is available for church workshops in writing and offers the 19th Annotation Retreat in Everyday Life.

