Grief is a natural and normal emotion that is the result of us opening ourselves up to being vulnerable in an impermanent world. It is caused by the end or change in a familiar pattern in our lives and our attachment to the familiar. The loss of anyone (or thing) we love can leave us feeling empty and at a loss. At times we cling to the sadness which prevents us from the inner growth that such a loss makes possible in our lives.
It is a truth that our minds crave permanence and predictability – they cling to the known. During this time, we will honor the role of grief in our lives while stressing the importance of walking through the process so that our minds do not remain “stuck” in the rut of grief.
During this program we will explore the truth that not all the grief we carry is our own, and in this awareness an invitation to turn inward and recognize the sacredness of our own energy. To feel, hold, honor, and resolve what is our own and reverently release that which is not.
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