Sr. Cheryl Clemons, O.S.U., PhD

Sr. Cheryl Clemons, O.S.U., PhD

Associate Spiritual Director

Sr. Cheryl grew up on a farm in central Kentucky and became an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph. With a personal spirituality long and deeply rooted in scripture and a passion for connecting spirituality, theology, and faith to “real life,” Sr. Cheryl has been leading women’s retreat weekends and has been involved in 12-Step movements for over 25 years.

Sr. Cheryl offers individual and group spiritual direction (in person and via Zoom or FaceTime), Ignatian silent directed retreats, the 19th Annotation Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life, and the 30-day Spiritual Exercises.

Sr. Cheryl is a member of the WVIS faculty. She is a certified supervisor for individuals offering group spiritual direction programs and a supervisor intern for individuals offering individual spiritual direction and/or the 19th Annotation in Daily Life.
