Sr. Carole Riley, C.D.P., PhD, LPC, AAPC-Fellow

Sr. Carole Riley, C.D.P., PhD, LPC, AAPC-Fellow

Associate Spiritual Director, WVIS Executive Director

Trained in spiritual direction by the Cenacle Sisters and Adrian van Kaam, C.S.S.SP at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA, Sister Carole Anne Riley is also a professional musician and associate music therapist. She began piano at the age of five and later entered the international community of the Sisters of Divine Providence. She has served in a variety of leadership roles including Chair of the Piano Department, Head of Graduate School, and Assistant Dean at Duquesne University where she is a distinguished alumna and recipient of the President's Service Award. Her audiobooks are available from Audio Books. She teaches currently with the Graduate Theological Foundation. She holds a counseling-supervising license in West Virginia. Dr. Riley is a therapist with Better Help.

Sr. Carole offers individual and group spiritual direction (in person and via Zoom or FaceTime), Ignatian silent-directed retreats, Couples retreats, the 19th Annotation Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life, and the 30-day Spiritual Exercises.

Dr. Riley is a certified supervisor for counselors and for individuals offering spiritual direction, group spiritual direction programs, and the 19th Annotation in Daily Life.

Charleston,West Virginia