Celebrating a Soft Summer

Celebrating a Soft Summer

  A summer reflection by Rev. Kaji Douša, Senior Pastor of The Park Avenue Christian Church, a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ, in New York City… For God ordered the seasons and the boundaries of...
In Memory of…

In Memory of…

          WVIS faculty, staff, and associate spiritual directors offer our condolences to WVIS graduate Becky Hill on the passing of her mother, Alice Tuschoff on June 15th. Alice was a faithful member of the Church of Christ where she served...
Join us for Contemplative Prayer

Join us for Contemplative Prayer

  I was first introduced to centering prayer about five years ago, and it has transformed my life.  Sitting silently with God and allowing the Holy Spirit to heal my heart and mind have enabled me to let go of all that prevented me from discovering my true self,...
4th and Walnut

4th and Walnut

  There are many wonderful opportunities for spiritual growth, refreshment, joy, and solace at West Virginia Institute for Spirituality. One opportunity is a “pearl of great price” that has brought me multitudes of all of these things. It’s the Thomas Merton...
The Power of Yes

The Power of Yes

As I discern my next steps in ministry, I am reading about the sacred feminine and the many names for our Blessed Mother Mary in Birthing the Holy: Wisdom from Mary to Nurture Creativity and Renewal by Christine Valters Paintner. A passage puzzled me— “The story of...
The Groans of Creation

The Groans of Creation

Every person you meet has a story.  Sometimes a consequential one. In the attached interview, (Click HERE) Associate Spiritual Director Intern Jerry Rutledge listens to the story of a woman whose spiritual journey was changed by a relationship with her brother who is...