

The West Virginia Institute for Spirituality (WVIS) offers programs throughout the year. These programs, which are currently offered via Zoom, are aligned with our mission of providing opportunities for deepening mindfulness, prayer practice, interior peace, and for integrating moral and ethical values.

WVIS also offers programs for continuing education and/or CEU credits as applicable, for social workers, registered nurses, licensed professional counselors, and spiritual directors.

QUESTIONS: Do you have a question? Please either email the individual listed with the program or retreat for additional information or click HERE to submit a contact form.

All times indicated for all programs are Eastern Time unless otherwise noted.

Explore the Compassionate Heart of Christ

5-week Group Prayer Experience offered via Zoom
Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 7:45 p.m. –
March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9

Offered by: Joan Kilgore, WVIS Associate Spiritual Director Intern

The Tears of Christ is a collection of the insights and contemplative meditations of St. John Henry Newman. Spending time with this devotional text, will provide the participant an opportunity to meditate on His suffering, and discover a greater sense of Christ’s presence in our own lives, as we journey through Lent, and prepare ourselves to recognize Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. This experience can enable insight into our very own desires and yearnings to be disciples of Christ in the world.


The book Tears of Christ can be purchased new or used on Amazon.

The wounded hero art

Will You Let Jesus’ Cup of Life
Intermingle with Yours?

5-Week Group Spiritual Program via Zoom
Wednesday evenings, March 12, 19, 26 and April 2, 9 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM EST.

Offered by:
Jenny Brunoni, WVIS Associate Spiritual Director Intern

You are invited to participate in a five-week Lenten spiritual direction group via Zoom. The book Can You Drink the Cup? by Henri Nouwen will be our guide as we reflect on Nouwen’s deep understanding of Christ’s acceptance of His sufferings and joys during His earthly life. Together we will explore our own individual life journeys and the call from the Spirit to allow Jesus’ life to coalesce with our own. This will not be a book study, but rather, an encounter with the Holy Spirit via contemplation, meditation, art, music, and lifting of our hearts and our “cups” to our all-loving God.

During the week participants prayerfully read a chapter, reflecting on and taking note of what was most meaningful.  You will seek to spend 20 minutes each day in prayer and reflection.  You may choose to journal or jot down your reflections each day, and then we will come together each week to share with the group what has arisen out of your prayerful reading and reflection.  Please note that sharing is always optional.  Other participants will listen prayerfully, and everything shared will be confidential.


    Offering: $10.00 (plus the cost of the book)

    The wounded hero art
    Top of Alarm Clock - bells

    The Five Gates of Grief
    Entering the Sacred World of Sorrow

    (Program offered via Zoom)
    Saturday, March 15, 2025 (8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.)

    Over the Course of our lives, grief enters our hearts in many ways. Most of us are familiar with the grief involved in the loss of someone or something we love. Too often, the other “gates” of grief are left unattended. We experience the loss but often struggle to express our feelings, even to ourselves, related to these losses and the sorrow we feel.

    During this program, we will explore the complexity of grief and the impact of our modern culture on our ability to process our grief in a way that allows us to grow rather than sink into sadness. Each participant will have time for reflection and an opportunity to meet with a WVIS spiritual director to process the material of the day.

    Can You Drink the Cup

    5-Week Group Spiritual Program via Zoom
    Monday evenings, March 10, 17, 24, 31 and April 7 from 6:30 – 7:30 EST.

    Offered by:
    Lisa Reese, WVIS Associate Spiritual Director Intern

    You are invited to participate in a five-week Lenten spiritual direction group via Zoom based on the book by Henri J.M. Nouwen. Jesus asks James and John, “Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?” How do we answer that question and can we apply the lesson of “drinking the cup” to our own lives? By journeying through Nouwen’s book, we will explore what is meant by holding the cup, lifting the cup and drinking the cup and begin to discover what God has put in our very own cup.

    During the week participants prayerfully read a chapter, reflecting on and taking note of what was most meaningful.  You will seek to spend 20 minutes each day in prayer and reflection.  You may choose to journal or jot down your reflections each day, and then we will come together each week to share with the group what has arisen out of your prayerful reading and reflection.  Please note that sharing is always optional.  Other participants will listen prayerfully, and everything shared will be confidential.

      REGISTRATION DEADLINE: March 9, 2025

      Offering: $10.00 (plus the cost of the book)

      The wounded hero art

      Exploring Your Underground Stream: Going Deeper using Progoff’s Intensive Journal Method

      A 5-Week Program via Zoom
      Wednesday evenings, January 15, 22, 29 and February 5, 12 from 7:00 – 8:30 EST.

      Offered by:
      Sally Orcutt, O.P. – WVIS Associate Spiritual Director/Associate Ministry Director
      Dr. Shannon Lenet – Spiritual Director

      St. Ignatius and his Spiritual Exercises are a path to interior freedom, a path to coming to know ourselves as God knows us recognizing that all of who we are is who God loves. This January you are inviting to go more deeply on this path as we gather for, Exploring Your Underground Stream: Going Deeper Using Progoff’s Intensive Journal Method.

      Combining the work of Dr. Ira Progoff (Intensive Journal Method) and Dr. Richard Schwartz (Internal Family Systems), this program invites you to come to understand yourself on a deeper level which includes meeting and dialoguing with your inner child(ren). According to Schwartz, we are all influenced on a daily basis by how these “parts” feel even though we are unaware. According to Progoff, if we follow the trail of the thoughts and feelings that come up over and over in our dialogues, we will see the pattern of these thoughts and feelings.

      Each evening will include presentation, time for journaling, small group sharing, and time for questions. Everything shared will be confidential in the group.

      REGISTRATION DEADLINE: January 13, 2025

      OFFERING: $70.00 plus the purchase of a 1″ – 2″ binder for journaling (and paper). Scholarships are available by emailing exec.director@wvis.org.

      The wounded hero art
      Catapillars and cocoons

      Writing Toward the Spirit

      34-week Small Group offering based on Spiritual Exercises
      Tuesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. (Eastern) beginning September 17, 2024 via Zoom

      Offered by: Jill Gordon, WVIS Spiritual Director Intern

      Our God is a constantly creating God!  Whether God is creating in the big bang of Spirit’s wind and fire, or in the slow, quiet Spirit’s whisper—God is for certain forming us and has been all our lives long. But how do we recover the particular experiences and memories of our years–the ways God has been working with us all along, even in our worst moments?

      Writing Toward the Spirit is a small group offering based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  Writing prompts are provided each week to point participants to their own stories. Sharing is done in a covenantal, confidential manner when (and if) the writer so desires. Space is limited.

      REGISTRATION DEADLINE: September 10, 2024

      OFFERING: $325 – Scholarships are available by contacting Jill Gordon at jillgordon98@gmail.com.

      Thomas Merton

      Tuesday Merton Chapter Meetings

      (Conference offered via Zoom)
      3rd Tuesdays
      7:00 am – 8:30 pm Eastern
      For more information and to be added to the monthly reminder email, contact Fr. Bill Petro at frbpetro42@gmail.com

      March Gladness

      Celebrate the Spirit 12-Step Recovery Meeting

      Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church or via Zoom
      Next Meeting scheduled for Saturday, December 21st
      Topic: Home for the Holidays
      12:30 am – 1:30 pm Eastern