

The West Virginia Institute for Spirituality (WVIS) offers programs throughout the year. These programs, which are currently offered via Zoom, are aligned with our mission of providing opportunities for deepening mindfulness, prayer practice, interior peace, and for integrating moral and ethical values.

WVIS also offers programs for continuing education and/or CEU credits as applicable, for social workers, registered nurses, licensed professional counselors, and spiritual directors.

QUESTIONS: Do you have a question? Email the individual listed with the program or retreat for additional information or email wvisreg@gmail.com.

All times indicated for all programs are Eastern Time unless otherwise noted.

With Open Hands

A 5-Week Group Spiritual Direction Program via Zoom
Wednesday evenings, September 19, 26 and October 3, 10, and 17 from 7:00 – 8:00 EST.

Offered by:
Terra Mauro, LPC WVIS Associate Spiritual Director Intern

Have you ever struggled with fears and tensions when you pray? Praying is not always an easy matter. It involves opening our hands to God, where we allow Him to see those inner parts of ourselves that we would rather leave in the darkness.

Using the image of clenched fists, Nouwen explores how fears and tension can cause resistance in prayer. In this 5-week program, we will explore what it means to open our hands before God, learning how prayer relates to silence, acceptance, hope, compassion, and revolution.

Each evening, we will share and prayerfully reflect on his book’s meaning in our own life experiences. Everything shared will be confidential in the group.


Offering: $20.00 plus the cost of the book (purchased separately)

Terra Mauro is an Associate Spiritual Director Intern with WVIS. She is also married, the mother of two adult children, and the grandmother of five grandchildren. She is a licensed professional counselor who practices mental health counseling, with a special emphasis on Christian counseling as part of her training.

The wounded hero art
Catapillars and cocoons

Writing Toward the Spirit

34-week Small Group offering based on Spiritual Exercises
Tuesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. (Eastern) beginning September 17, 2024 via Zoom

Offered by: Jill Gordon, WVIS Spiritual Director Intern

Our God is a constantly creating God!  Whether God is creating in the big bang of Spirit’s wind and fire, or in the slow, quiet Spirit’s whisper—God is for certain forming us and has been all our lives long. But how do we recover the particular experiences and memories of our years–the ways God has been working with us all along, even in our worst moments?

Writing Toward the Spirit is a small group offering based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  Writing prompts are provided each week to point participants to their own stories. Sharing is done in a covenantal, confidential manner when (and if) the writer so desires. Space is limited.


Offering: $325 – Scholarships are available by contacting Jill Gordon at jillgordon98@gmail.com.

Thomas Merton

Tuesday Merton Chapter Meetings

(Conference offered via Zoom)
3rd Tuesdays
7:00 am – 8:30 pm Eastern
For more information and to be added to the monthly reminder email, contact Fr. Bill Petro at frbpetro42@gmail.com

March Gladness

Celebrate the Spirit 12-Step Recovery Meeting

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church or via Zoom
Next Meeting scheduled for Saturday, August 24th
Topic: TBD
10:30 am – 1:30 pm Eastern